Beach School for Writers

Write South West Scotland Castle Douglas, United Kingdom

Following the amazing success of our Forest School for Writers, we’re offering a writers’ beach school for 2023. This is an absolute must for anyone who wants to write about the sea or shoreline. We will be mostly writing outside, in a variety of extraordinary locations along the stunning Dumfries and Galloway coast. Our week...


Beach School (SOLD OUT)

Write South West Scotland Castle Douglas, United Kingdom

We’re repeating our Beach school for 2024 with a couple of changes and additions, but with the same ethos of fun, learning, and writing. Like last year, it is an absolute must for anyone who wants to write about the sea or shoreline. We will be mostly writing outside, in a variety of extraordinary locations...


Start Your Novel. Just Do It. (sold out)

Write South West Scotland Castle Douglas, United Kingdom

Whether you are taking your first steps from reader to writer, or have a manuscript to polish before sending off, this course will equip you with all the transferable skills required to get your project glowing. This is a weekend of writing exercises, writing theory, and encouragement; bolstered by delicious food and outstanding scenery. We’ll...
